Law + Consulting. Evolved.



Adaptbl is an employer of choice. We're modern. NewLaw + Consulting. Evolved.

We offer flexibility, interesting and challenging work, and opportunities to develop new skills. As well as competitive remuneration and conditions, we offer a range of market leading benefits.

Adaptbl is a signatory to the Minds Count Guidelines. We're implementing the Guidelines to create a cutting edge workplace that's psychologically safe and healthy.

Public Law, Admin Law and/or Statutory Interpretation Lawyers - multiple roles available

Public Law, Admin Law and Stat Interpretation lawyers - multiple roles available at the EL1 and EL2 levels (approx. 3-10 years PAE)!

We're recruiting lawyers with expertise in public law, administrative law and/or statutory interpretation for roles with a Commonwealth client. Work in Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, or Newcastle. Our client is open to flexible work arrangements.

You'll need to be willing and able to obtain/maintain a Baseline security clearance (or have an existing clearance).

Initial six-month contract, with the possibility of an extension.

For a confidential discussion, please contact us as soon as possible (and no later than 8.30 am on Friday, 11 Oct 2024): | 0459 985 117 | 0497 711 249 | (02) 5136 1298 | (02) 5136 1298 | (02) 5136 1298 | (02) 5136 1298 | (02) 5136 1298

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Geoff Adams